Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just for Mom....

Last week's post was about how I reduce stress in my home by taking care of my family. Being a Stay-At-Home-Mom (aka SAHM) is a full-time job. It never ends, there are no Union-Mandated breaks or vacation days. This places a lot of pressure on me. Sometimes, I feel like I'm losing my identity. However, at my core I am STILL Ande! The fun-loving girl with an attitude who tries to be pretty and loves clothes and shoes.

It's important to feed your inner-self and maintain who you are. Thanks to Old Navy and Crowdtap I was able to take a day just "for me" and receive some free pampering! Through Crowdtap.com I joined the Old Navy Style Council where I get to try new styles at no charge for myself. Recently I received two free coupons for a free dress: one for me and one for a friend! There really weren't any restrictions on which dresses we could choose.

SO, I called up Amanda (my usual partner in crime) and we set off for the Terre Haute, IN Old Navy! We picked the right day for dress shopping. We arrived shortly after the store opened and they were just unboxing their entire new shipment of dresses! We literally had tons of styles, colors and patterns to choose from. We hooked up with a store associate named Tori and told her about what we were doing. She took my camera & started snapping shots & trading out dresses for us. We had a blast!! There was run-way modeling, dancing and just having fun in general! The best part was having the freedom to not bother looking at the price tags because we KNEW the dresses were free!

We tried on some that were great, and some that were not. I really liked this blue polka-dot number until I remembered my sister's scary Mrs. Beasley doll and I realized that I looked JUST LIKE Mrs. Beasley!! So, that one had to go away immediately!

Amanda had a tendency to gravitate towards the sundresses and maxi's. She has a great curvy shape so the maxi's were very flattering for her. However, the sundresses weren't really flattering on either of us. The blue maxi looked fabulous on her. She has a great tan and bright blue eyes. The dress really complimented all of her best features. I'm small and almost shapeless so I needed something to ADD curves. I wound up opting for the Wrap Dress in "Black Jack". When I put this dress on, I literally felt like it was made for me. The bias-cut gives the look of a tapered waist and accentuates the bust line.

Not only did we have a great day together that involved two new (FREE) dresses, but we both left with several bags of new clothes! The day of shopping was just what we both needed!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Don't worry...I got it!

Stress: n - mental, emotional, or physical strain or tension.

Life has a lot of stresses and a lot of different types of stress. My husband has a very stressful job. As for my son, while very intelligent, he deals with a lot of social anxiety and becomes very stressed at school. What does this have to do with me? Well, as a Stay-At-Home Mom one of my responsibilities is to maintain a happy household. Sure, I get stressed too! However, I feel like it's my duty to keep the stress levels in the house as low as possible. Think about it…the word “Home” should invoke a warm fuzzy feeling of security. It should never cause your blood pressure to rise!

First and foremost: We have a strict rule of no raised voices in the house. (Exceptions are only made for peals of laughter!) Yelling and screaming in anger results in nothing but hurt feelings and wounded pride, followed by bouts of guilt. There is a zero-tolerance policy for aggressive and erratic behavior. The interior of our home is a sacred, safe place and will always be treated as such. There is great security in knowing that once you cross our threshold there is no judgment, condescension or anger. Only love, acceptance and respect.

Moving on!! One of the primary ways to keep my family relaxed and happy is to keep the house clean and organized. A dark, cluttered and dirty living space creates a heavy atmosphere where no one is truly comfortable. Digging through piles stacked around the house to find an item adds unnecessary frustration. If the dining table is covered as a “catch-all” family meals cannot be enjoyed there. (And I believe family meals are a great way to connect with your family, which will reduce stress!)

The art of Feng Shui is a good tool to use in creating a comfortable living space. Here is a great site to help you declutter and open up living spaces.  http://www.ehow.com/how_4471856_feng-shui-house.html

Another way I help lower my family’s level of stress is to take care of their basic needs. For me, part of the responsibility of staying home is to make sure my family’s needs are met and to make sure my husband has minimal responsibility and stress at home. His long hours are enough to keep him on edge. I’m not going to dump more on him as soon as he walks through the door. When he’s at home I want him to relax and unwind. The same goes for the little guy when he gets home from school. Instead of instantly doing chores, swinging in the back yard for 30 minutes can do a lot to clear a little boy’s head and improve his spirit. Allowing the boys to unwind creates a more harmonious atmosphere for everyone.

I have my designated “jobs” and I make sure they are done completely so the responsibility doesn’t fall on someone else.  Sure, my son has the responsibility of picking up after himself and doing chores. However, he doesn’t have to worry about whether or not he has clean clothes to wear. He doesn’t have to worry about whether or not there will be a hot meal on the table. My husband doesn’t have to worry about whether or not the bills need paid or creating time in his hectic morning to pack his own lunch...My Motto? "Don't worry...I got it!"

Sometimes I like to do a little extra to perk up my household. Celebrations always create a light-hearted atmosphere. A celebration shouldn’t be reserved for a birthday or holiday. I try to create 1 or 2 “mini-celebrations” a month. The mini-celebrations not only create a light environment, but they make the recipient feel special. Sometimes that extra bit of recognition gives them the boost they need. When my son graduated from preschool I made him a Sponge Bob cake and his grandmas stopped by and we had a “Graduation Party”. I spent less than $5 on party supplies: A bright green disposable tablecloth, napkins & dinnerware along with a Sponge Bob Mylar Balloon.

Aiden's Preschool Graduation Cake!
If my husband is having a rough week I will make one of his favorite meals along with a “special dessert”. If it’s a really bad day I’ll make him an Oatmeal Pie, which is very time-consuming. He knows it is not an easy dish to prepare and seeing the big deep-dish pie on the kitchen table always lifts his mood.

Celebrating Aiden losing his first tooth!
I’ve also jumped on the bandwagon of “cake pops”. They are ridiculously easy to make and SO much fun! Not to mention they are a delicious bite-sized treat. They can be crafted into virtually any shape to fit the occasion. My son lost his first tooth this week. So, to celebrate I made him a batch of tooth-shaped cake pops. Based on the hugs, kisses and “thank-you Mommy!” I received… I think they were a hit! From the moment he saw them his mood was instantly lifted. You see? We really do celebrate virtually everything in this house!

Yes, there are and will always be external factors to stress out my family. I cannot make my husband’s job any easier and I cannot make school a fun place for my son. However, I can make their home-life happy enough that at least they have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

Do you want to make fun & festive cake pops? Here’s the easy recipe!

Cake Pops
Yields approximately 30 pops, more or less depending on how big they are.
·        Bake 1 cake according to package directions.
·        Allow the cake to cool & crumble it into a large mixing bowl.
·        Add approximately half a can of store-bought frosting and mix together until your concoction becomes a large ball of dough. (it should be a semi-stiff dough, too much frosting and the “pop” won’t stick together)
o       Flavor ideas: Strawberry cake mixed with Strawberry frosting…Chocolate Cake mixed with Chocolate Frosting….yellow cake mixed with vanilla frosting…there are a ton of possibilities, be creative!
·        Form the dough into small balls and insert a pretzel, lollipop or popsicle stick.
o       OR sculpt them into simple shapes...again be creative! Easter is coming up; an Egg shaped cake pop would be easy and adorable!
·        Put them in the freezer for about 10 minutes to chill and dip them in melted white chocolate or colored candy melts. Add sprinkles, decorate or just leave them plain!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Just For Fun...oh yea & I'm Smarterer than You!!

Being a stay-at-home wife and mother has it's challenges. There are the drudgery's of day to day house work. The incessant  need for attention from your family, who by the way, is ALWAYS hungry!! Sometimes we want to leave and escape for an hour but we cannot. SO, the best we can do is to find ways to escape indoors.

I like to go out on our sun-porch, shut the main door and curl up with the dog, a cup of coffee and a book. However, that is only for relaxation.

 I also have a fierce competitive side that needs to be fed. At one time this "monster" was fed in school, college and then at my high-demand job, through sports or among my social circles. Now I am my own co-worker and my social circle is a 6 year old boy and a dog! SO, I turn to the Internet to feed my competitive nature and have a lot of fun in the process. As it turns out, there are a lot of rewards for feeding this beast.

I am involved with three rewards-based sites. They offer incentives such as gift cards and samples for your contribution to their sites. However, you get out of it what you put into it. That's why I will never join more than 3 at a time. The most recent site I joined is BzzAgent.com. So far I have received two campaign opportunities through BzzAgent.com. One of them is PERFECT for feeding my inner "Competition Monster". It was an introduction to a fun trivia site called "Smarterer". There are no rewards for being a member of Smarterer other than seeing your name on the Leader-board and smashing your competition by showing them you are "smarterer" than they are in a huge range of topics. Did you know I am an expert in both chocolate AND basic math??? True story my friends! At least according to http://smarterer.com/ !! After taking the tests and getting your score you can then post your trivia results to Facebook or Twitter to brag about your awesomeness! Have fun & stay sane!!!!