Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fight Cancer With New Clothes!!

Recently I was invited by Crowdtap and Woolite to participate in a "Clothing Swap". This is where you & your friends gather up a few gently used items, meet up at someone's house & trade clothes. It all seems very simple, but I've never been very simple... SO with the help of a few awesome friends we're kicking this idea into high-gear. Rather than just swap out some clothes with each other we're doing a major over-haul of our closets to raise money for our Relay For Life team, "The Swatters".

My fellow Swatters and  I...we even have a Mini-Swatter!

We are gathering up our gently used clothing & accessories and hosting a "Sale"...Think "Consignment Shop" but in my garage! ;) Every last penny will be donated to Relay For Life. We will also have a donation jar set up. So, when we donate to RFL, WHERE does that money actually go? You may be surprised to hear that it doesn't just fund some lab where cancer research is being conducted. It helps real people in OUR community!

Relay For Life Donations:
  • Transport local cancer patients to and from treatments.
  • Help cover costs for in-home care.
  • Pay for lodging so sick children can have their parents close by.
  • Pay for gas.
  • Classes to help patients undergoing treatment, to look and feel better about themselves.
  • Counseling services for both patients and caregivers. This disease affects everyone mentally as well as physically.
  • Check out this link for more info: Where Our Funds Go!

 With the party pack, Woolite not only sent samples of detergent, but they also sent a $10 gift card to help cover party costs. I used the $10 to donate to my RFL team in honor of Crowdtap & Woolite. If you want to donate and help us in our fight for the patients battling cancer, you can follow this link: RFL Donations. If you want to update your wardrobe...stay tuned and once we get all the clothes, shoes & accessories sorted we'll post the date that our "Shop" will be open!! HINT: We're leaning towards mid-May!!

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