Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Good Food, Good Friends and......DOTS....

I get together with a few of my closest friends once a month. We all work together raising money for charity (Relay For Life) and these "get-togethers" are basically our monthly committee meetings. So, when I was sent an epic box full of loot from Crowdtap and Marc Jacobs DOT perfume, I knew exactly which ladies I would need to share it with! 

For starters, the DOT party kit wasn't the typical "Here's a sample, pass it out" kind of party. Not only did they provide samples of the DOT perfume, but the kit also included 1 full size bottle of perfume, a mini-sized bottle, nail shields, a DOT headband, DOT scarf and party supplies such as a table-cloth, dotted balloons, and other dotted decorations! From a local party store I bought dotted cups, gift bags, and straws and put everything together. As this was a "cocktail" party, but our meetings are held in a public (non-alcoholic) restaurant, I bought Budweiser Strawberry Margaritas and put them in the gift bags as well!

Contents of my gift-bags!

I did have one special friend who isn't local, so I mailed her a box of goodies. She sent me photos of her enjoying the party goods!

Carol's "Goody" table! 

Miss Carol enjoying the DOT party from a remote location!!
As for the rest of us, we met at a local restaurant, Palucci's Pizza Express. I made a plate of "Lady Bug" cookies, gathered up my party supplies and went to our committee meeting. I was pleasantly surprised by all the polka dots in the restaurant! My friends were as polka dotted as they could possible be! Even our two mini-members wore dotted dresses & had dotted toe nails just for the occassion. FYI, they received DOT goody bags too, but instead of alcohol they received Hershey Bars, Ring Pops and Skittles!

Two of our Mini-Members

Awesome Pedi by Desi!

Lovely Miss Brandi, stunning as always!

My mini-helpers getting ready for the party!

Mama Dot & Baby Dot

All of that beautiful hair in a cute dotted headband!
Lady Bug Cookies: Oreo Fudge Cookies with piped red icing.

On a serious note: After enjoying our DOT themed party/meeting, we did get a lot accomplished and we have several fundraising activities in the works for the next couple of months. What we do is raise money year-round for Relay For Life. RFL donations stay local to help local cancer patients. This money does so much and I know so many people who have been helped by these funds.

Relay For Life Donations:

  • Transport local cancer patients to and from treatments.
  • Help cover costs for in-home care.
  • Pay for lodging so sick children can have their parents close by.
  • Pay for gas.
  • Classes to help patients undergoing treatment, to look and feel better about themselves.
  • Counseling services for both patients and caregivers. This disease affects everyone mentally as well as physically.
So, if you're interested in helping a good charity that helps local people click here. Even a small donation can make a huge impact. My seven year old son has personally raised over $180, for our team! All of his donations were from friends & family giving him a few dollars here and there...so little bits do add up to large quantities! If you want to make a tax-deductible donation to the American Cancer Society (RFL) click this link! It's quick and easy and you'll be making a huge impact on someones life. DONATE HERE!!

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